Supervision of OS updates

Starting with rport client version 0.2.4 the supervision of available operating system updates is possible

Enable Update supervision

On Linux

To enable update supervision you must have the following line in the [client] section of your /etc/rport/rport.conf file.

 # ...snip ...snap
 updates_interval = '4h'

A refresh of the update status can be requested through the API and the user interface independently of the specified update interval. Going faster than 4 hours is usually not need and not recommended.

Don't forget to restart the rport client after changing the configuration file. Use systemctl restart rport.

⚠️ Debian, Ubuntu and SuSE Linux need a sudo rule to fetch the update status. Create a file /etc/sudoers.d/rport-update-status with the following content.

rport ALL=NOPASSWD: SETENV: /usr/bin/apt-get update -o Debug\:\:NoLocking=true

Last updated

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